DeFi, NFT, Crypto, Blockchain and all around

Category NFT

Popular mechanics in Blockchain and DeFi games

Online blockchain games are are gaining popularity. I went a bit deeper into Blockchain, DeFi and Web 3.0 gaming mechanics to find out – Is there anything new? Is there a place for NFTs? Can it be compared to traditional… Continue Reading →

NFTs fell as low as rural offline merch

The interest towards Non-Fungible Tokens is depleted. If there is no mission behind NFT besides its exclusivity it is quite boring. NFTs that don’t have a clear mission fall down to rural offline mech. That must have happened and I’m… Continue Reading →

NFT business explained

At the first glance NFT business may seem something very complicated but the reality is very different. People speculate with NFTs seeking a way to earn money. And what about NFT project founders? How do they earn?

Where do we really need NFTs?

NFTs are very useful in NEW projects that lack TRUST. NFT, being a non-fungible and transparent token, generates trust around the project.

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